Monday, 15 December 2008

oooo.. finally....

Assalamualaikum people..

Finally, its christmas holiday.. yey... I had completed all the assignments... so far.. but there are more to come.. however, i refuse to think about that at this moment. On Friday, after I submitted the two lab reports, I met my cousin at the prayer room at uni.. Then, we walked to the student union shop, because we're supposed to meet Iqbal, yg pernah bunk in arah kami masa mula2 sampai Southampton. Then, since lama udah kami inda jumpa, we decided to spend some time sama2 makan.. hehe.. lagipun, during the holiday, kami ada plan masing2..

So, it was raining a bit, me, Erni and Iq went to the fast food outlet near to our house, and bali 3 big pizza haha... pizza jua.. Inda batah, Aza pun datang (apparently also our relative) and we spend the day sama2, beibun2 lah hahaha... mengingati zaman remaja.. :p

Iq had to go early though since he still had a lecture that late. So, its just kami 3 girls.. We walked to our house and Aza went on and catch a bus to go to her hall.. When we got home, the two housemates told us that they were going to London for a few days and then we have the whoke house to ourselves saja...Mwuuahahhahaha...

So, we decided to invite Aza for couple of nights lah.. saja2 ehe.. since kami nda pernah tinggal sama2.. The next day pun, kami bawa Aza ke town, since nda pernah bah kami ke town ah, kesian eh.. cana jua, busy dengan assignment saja. So, Aza tah jadi tourguide kami jalan2 ke bandar.. mcm urg sakai bah kami, mcm inda pernah saja. Well, it's kind of true since lama udah kami inda ke town, like around 2 months kali..

We spend two days sama2 and Aza stay with us till today. Tadi balik lah ia ke hall.. and we hope to see her again ehe.. maybe tym cuti kali lagi.

Tomorrow, back to work.. I still have lots to do, but unlike previous posts, I will not tell you what assignments I have to do lagi, takut kamu ikut mental ahhaha.... Arents u glad? Iatah ni lagi kan.. Atu baru kiut... lau paham bisai..

Well, have to berabis d lebry isuk and lusa.. Then, off to Newcastle.. then to Edinburgh.. spend few days there lah. Then, balik sini, sambung buat keraja.. cematu tah.. my first semester is not that fun, if I have to say.. it's full of responsibility, sweat and tears, depression, lonely, crazy, hectic, missing everyone, cold.. and segala2 nya.. ahha.... nangis ku ey

anyway, i dont think kamu paham jua what i'm, saying here, but i'll just post the pictures here...

Till next time,